Representation of market companies
The management cooperative, Großmarkt Hamburg Verwaltungs-Genossenschaft e.G., represents 97 percent of traders based in the market and their joint interests.
Among other things, GHVG is responsible for taking back transport packaging in accordance with Section 4 of the Packaging Directive.
On behalf of the State enterprise Wholesale Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Wholesale Market, it is responsible for:
- disposing of spoilage, packaging material and other waste
- cleaning sanitary facilities
- gate services
- clearing snow and ice (winter service)
(Dies gilt nicht für die der Marktgemeinschaft Blumengroßmarkt Hamburg e.G. zugeordneten Flächen.)
Over and above these duties, GHVG also supports marketing campaigns conducted by the wholesale market with donations of fruit and by providing staff to help with implementation, e.g. for zespri campaigns and weekly market anniversaries.
On 21.08.2006, GHVG received the award of “Hamburg Ökoprofit Company 2006”. On the basis of this voluntary ecological certification, GHVG has also been able to become a partner in the city of Hamburg’s environmental partnership.